Triple Pulse Narrative
Paragraph Headings

0-1. Introduction: Life's Frustration

2: Articles

The Parallel Universes of the Right and Left Brain

The Left Brain world of Logical Exposition

The Right Brain world of Metaphorical Thinking

Metaphor symbolizes Emotional Driving Force behind the Author’s Exploration

Parallel Worlds interact: Curiosity vs. Emotion

Can Life really find a Mathematical Partner?

Thus far Mathematics ignores features that make Life special

Discouraged, Life still holds onto hope

Looking in all the wrong places?

Life: “Suitors objectify me, ignoring my special features.”

Never viewed as an information processor, just a bag of dirt

Needs a Friend to Cultivate Her, Not a Suitor who will Dominate Her

Rumors of a Mathematics of Choice & the Moment

1-1A. Life's disappointment with the Living Algorithm's simplicity.

Life yearns for a Mathematics to unlock the Secret Code to her Matrix

Life disappointed when Physics attempted to apply Matter's Code to her.

Life wary of Living Algorithm

Life meets Living Algorithm, whose Approach is based in Graphic Visualization.

Life: "Living Algorithm looks too simple to deal with my complexity."

Cell: "Stick with me to uncover your secret codes."

Cell: "My transformations reveal aspects of your Code."

Cell: "Transformations are graphic visualizations of my Digestion Process."

Life disappointed that Living Algorithm Graphs have no Multi-Variable Equations

Life: "What are the equations behind your graphs?"

Life: "Can't wait to find out my variables and the secrets they reveal."

Living Algorithm: "My graphs have no variables associated with them."

Living Algorithm: "You must observe me in action to uncover my secrets."

Living Algorithm: "To better understand my unique features, let us compare graph types."

1A-2. After viewing Pulse of Attention, Life still skeptical.

Both Life & Living Algorithm obsessed with Data Streams

Living Algorithm: "Unlike Physics or Probability, my equation digests data streams."

Life: "I too am obsessed with Data Streams, as they are the root of Experience."

Living Algorithm: "My sole purpose is digesting data streams to uncover pattern in experience."

Life must first meet Methodology to validate Living Algorithm’s approach

Life: "Not interested in Living Algorithm transformations, if they have no scientific validity."

Cell: "As a universal process, I reveal my secrets through my transformations."

Life: "To be convinced of mathematical validity, I must meet your method."

Cell: "To check my credentials, read the following article."

2/3. Life encouraged by Living Algorithm's Visual Methodology.

Although impressed, Life needs time to reflect.

Living Algorithm methodology based upon graphic visualization.

Life has an immediate visual experience with Living Algorithm's Creative Pulse

Life wants to know more details regarding the Creative Pulse Project

Life needs time to digest her encounter with the Living Algorithm

Life decides to give the Living Algorithm a chance.

Life has hard time letting go of her yearning for a multi-variable equation of her own.

Life meditates: First, the broken record of thoughts

Inner counsel: "Detach from the old blocked matrix of thought to allow a new one to emerge."

Insight: "Maybe Matter has one type of mathematics, & I have another."

Consolidation: "Living Algorithm’s visual approach recognizes primacy of sight in pattern recognition."

Integration: "Computer visualization is mainstream science"

Maybe there is something to the Living Algorithm's visual approach.

Directive: Life arranges another meeting with the Living Algorithm

Read on to find out how their second encounter went.

3-4. Life & Living Algorithm agree on Interruption Phenomenon.

Life impressed, but Friends question necessity of a Mathematical Relationship

Life: "Finally a mathematics that addresses topics that are dear to me."

Life takes a walk with an Artistic Friend.

Friend: "Life you don’t need mathematics. You are already complete."

Life: "I might not need a mathematics; but I want one."

Friend: "How can the Living Algorithm define the nature of inspiration?"

Life: "Author focuses upon the circumstances that maximize potential for inspiration."

Friend: "Shape of Creative Pulse doesn't match my experience with inspiration."

Life: “Creative Pulse is a misnomer: chosen to honor original investigation.”

Life: "Creative Pulse represents the Momentum of Attention, not creativity."

Friend: "Can Human Behavior & Math really have a Relationship?"

Life: "I'm looking for a mathematical approach with a new inflection."

The Living Algorithm reassures Life.

Life questions the possibility of a mixed relationship.

Living Algorithm: "Let's take our relationship slowly."

Life: "I don’t want to be disappointed."

Life reawakened to Creative Pulse.

Subconscious requires time to reorganize Life’s Mind

A chance encounter with an old friend redirects Life’s Attention

Life gazes upon the Pulse of Attention with fresh eyes

Life: “The Pulse of Attention seems to have widespread applicability.”

Life: “Interruptions devastating to the Momentum of Attention.”

Life: “Need more validation. Don’t want to be tricked by feelings.”

Life needs more Evidence.

Life: "Before getting carried away, I need more verification of this link between us."

Cell: "Triple Pulse Experiments provide more links between my System and yours."

5-6. Life fascinated by Interaction between Pulses

Life impressed with the behavior of the Living Algorithm’s Triple Pulse

Living Algorithm & Life are compatible on Interruption Phenomenon

Although polar opposites, both Living Algorithm & Life obsessed with data streams.

Living Algorithm gives birth to Creative Pulse & Triple Pulse

Triple Pulse indicates relationship between Pulses

Many disapprove of this Relationship – Too many differences

Both artistic and scientific friends feel relationship is doomed.

Life yearns for a Mathematics who will provide guidance.

How compatible will Life & the Living Algorithm be in their second encounter?

6-7. Life & Living Algorithm compatible regarding Sleep Deprivation.

Life pleased by how compatible she and the Living Algorithm are.

Life disappointed with her previous mathematical encounters.

One type of math system wanted to control her.

Another type of mathematical system was ungrounded – no substantiation.

Life has nothing against these mathematical systems. Just looking for more.

Life wants evidence of correspondences.

Evidence linking Cell’s Attention Pulse & Life’s Interruption Phenomenon

Evidence linking Cell’s Triple Pulse & Life’s Sleep Deprivation

Life demands more evidence to support her relationship with the Living Algorithm

Cell: “Let’s examine Evidence linking my Triple Pulse with your Sleep Necessity.”

Artistic friends cast doubt on Life’s growing relationship with the Living Algorithm

Life plagued by tortuous questions regarding the impossibility of a mixed relationship with the Living Algorithm.

7-8. Impressive correspondence regarding Sleep Necessity

Life reviews the areas in which she and the Living Algorithm have been compatible.

Life wonders about the Importance of Naps

Life: “Cell & I are compatible with regards Sleep & Interruptions.”

Life: “My Conscious and Unconscious states are linked with the Living Algorithm’s Active and Rest Pulses."

Can the Living Algorithm & Life agree on the topic of Naps?

8-9. Life & Living Algorithm agree on the Importance of Naps.

Life & Living Algorithm have another great Session

Logical Chain linking Triple Pulse with Importance of Naps

Life & Living Algorithm compatible regarding 4 experimentally verified Phenomena

Tantalizing Questions regarding nature of Intriguing Correspondences

Could a Rest Pulse refresh our ability to think?

Could sleep provide time to digest information?

Link to more Evidence

9-10. Ten-minute rule compatibility sparks deep insights.

Both Life and the Living Algorithm shift modalities to refresh attention/pulse.

Living Algorithm refreshed by regular numerical changes.

Unless refreshed by change, Human’s attention span fades after 10-minutes.

Living Algorithm also fades unless refreshed.

Living Algorithm mathematics suggests that shifting thought modalities should refresh attention.

Living Algorithm behavior illuminates Life’s behavior.

Life balks at meaning of Correspondences.

Life doesn’t want to overlook details in the midst of excitement.

Life: “Correspondences between the Triple Pulse and Wake/Sleep, plausible, but unbelievable.”

Cell: “Theory doesn’t lead, but instead follows Facts.”

Cell: “Instead of contradictions, new studies refine and broaden Theory.”

Experimental findings define Denotation of Living Algorithm ‘Words’

Consciousness has millions of individual Connotations.

Experimental Findings determine meaning of Active Pulse Consciousness.

Mathematical & Experimental Facts temper Meaning

Embracing inherent ambiguity of Familiar Words over technical precision of Unfamiliar Words.

Physics set the precedent by using words like work and energy.

Life attempts to stay close to the mathematical and experimental Facts.

Life: “In three studies, the Rest Pulse refreshes the Active Pulse, like Sleep refreshes Cognitive Abilities.”

Triple Pulse behavior similar to Sleep/Wake Cycle.

Possibilities extended because any number pair generates the Triple Pulse.

Core Concept approach: Shifting thought modalities refreshes Attention

Triple Pulse associated with any shift in thought modality.

Cell: “Relationships significant; constructs incidental.”

Life: “Important not to confuse symbol with reality.”

Cell: “Must always remember that mathematics and language are metaphors.”

Life: “Like any couple, we have similarities, but are fundamentally unique.”

The Living Algorithm must stretch to accommodate the 10-minute Rule.

Life & the Living Algorithm – another Successful Date

Is their relationship just a passing attraction?

10-11 Liminals/Subconscious correspondences raise big Questions

Life realizes that her living matter requires a different type of explanation.

Simple Question an ‘Open Sesame’ to the Subconscious

Life initially disappointed at no variables of her own.

Cell: “Living Matter requires different type of explanation, such as I provide.”

Life: “Must I accept that I will never have my own variables?”

Cell’s Triple Pulse links up with Life’s Conscious & Unconscious Processes

Cell’s Liminals associated with Life’s Subconscious processes – a taboo topic

Evidence flimsy, although not contradictory

The Relationship between Mathematical Metaphor & Reality

Life wonders how Living Algorithm simplicity can express her complexity.

Humans symbolize experience through words and mathematics.

Increasingly sophisticated words lead to more refined communication.

Refinement of language for precision leads to Mathematics

Each type of Experience requires different type of Symbols.

Mathematics of Physics appropriate for matter: Living Algorithm for life.

The Symbol is not Reality.

Testing determines effectiveness of Symbol.

Math & Science symbolic expressions of human experience.

Symbols only address particular features of behavioral complexity, not the entirety.

Life filled with doubts

11-12. From Core Concept Congruence to Symbol Refinement

Life: “Core Concept results reflected in Human Culture.”

Core Concept Approach more effective than Continuous Approach

Continuous Approach = ‘Lights On. Nobody Home.’

Continuous Approach works if we process information like a computer.

Core Concepts Presentation to get around 10-minute attention span

Life realizes that Words act as Core Concepts.

Core Concept institutionalized; Continuous Approach avoided.

Life & Living Algorithm refine Understanding

Liminals operating in Core Concept data stream: not the other.

Directionals operational in both data streams.

Subconscious + Conscious Processes = Conscious Awareness

Cell: “What does conscious awareness mean?”

Facts: Refreshment process + Liminals /Brain activity during Sleep (Rest Pulse)

Correspondence Facts: Directionals <=> awake state & Liminals <=> assimilating information

Conscious Awareness = Ability to Assimilate Info = All Derivatives Engaged

Living Algorithm questions generality of Symbols.

Ingestion/Digestion metaphor suggestive, not definitive.

A huge leap from Mathematics to Conscious Awareness

Life questions possibility of investigation.

Cell: “We have the urge to symbolize and then attribute reality to the symbol.”

Current study: Active Pulse/Directional/2nd derivative does not symbolize cognitive abilities.

Math Facts: Liminals active in one approach, but not the other.

Liminals could symbolize information digestion

Symbolic analysis: Consciousness & Cognitive Abilities separate mental functions.

Could Life really employ the Living Algorithm to digest information?

Life: "What exactly do the Liminals symbolize?"

Cell: "Liminals mere existence a precondition for brain's ability to digest information."

Life is afraid of implications due to intimacy issues.

If Liminals are a precondition to digesting information, then Life must employ the Living Algorithm to digest information.

Cell: "To test our symbols of human behavior, we need more evidence."

Life & the Living Algorithm summarize discussion, each in their own way.

12-13 Amazing web of compatibility includes Sleep Biology

Triple Pulse & Sleep Biology adds three new strands

How Insights come to the Author

Author feeds his Liminals with visuals and words, then allows them to do the work

Author attempts to understand patterns between math and empirical facts.

Living Algorithm provides insights into living behavior, not material.

Author attempts to sublimate personal agenda to facts.

Increasing complexity: a sign of a maturing relationship

Life: “Is my vision clouded by wishful thinking?”


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